Open source


Projects for the Daisy Seed from Electrosmith.

OscPocketD – open source music platform powered by Daisy Seed. One hardware platform – many applications:

Download OscPocketD code and manual.

M5Stack Core2

OscPocketM – open source portable beat production tool running on the M5Stack Core2 using the Mozzi library.

Download OscPocketM code and manual.

OscPocketM demo.

It seems the newer version of Mozzi has some problems when compiling. Try using Mozzi v1.1 instead.


DStudio – addons and examples that let you make sounds and music with synthesizers, drum sounds, effects, sequencer and a mixer.

demo on YouTube


ofxDStudio including examples

ofDStudio manual

ofxDStudio on Github

DStudio for rtAudio

Raspberry Pi

OscIntRadio. The goal of this project is to use a Raspberry Pi (RPi) as an internet radio player that you can connect to your stereo amplifier (or active speakers or headphones). The radio is controlled using a web interface, so you can use any device connected to your Wi-Fi as a controller (computer or smartphone).

Download OscIntRadio code and manual.

OscAlgoPi. The goal of this project is to create a stand alone box that plays algorithmic music using only the Raspberry Pi with good quality audio. The machine is controlled using a web interface.

Download OscAlgoPi code and manual.

OscAlgoPi demo.

Additional styles:


MusE Synthpop Tutorial. Learn how to make a synthpop song with the open source DAW MusE.

MusE synthpop tutorial demo.

Download MusE tutorial.

Download MusE tutorial source files.

Download MusE tutorial finished song.

Graphic production

Svenska: Grafisk produktion med fri programvara

Grafisk produktion med fria verktyg är en 41-sidig svensk manual där användaren på ett enkelt sätt lär sig att arbeta med Scribus, GIMP och Inkscape för att sätta ihop en tvåsidig broschyr. Den innehåller de viktigaste momenten för grafisk produktion, från arbete med mallar till bildbehandling, färghantering och hur du skapar en tryckfärdig PDF. Skriven 2013.

Ladda ner Grafisk produktion med fria verktyg.

För att göra uppgiften parallellt med manualen behöver du:

English: Open source graphic design

Open Source Graphic Design – How to make a four page leaflet using Scribus is a manual describing a production workflow using open source software. Written in 2010.

Download Open source graphic design.

In 2013 Staffan Melin wrote his Master thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology called Can free software replace proprietary software for graphic production? Investigating to which extent free software can be used for book and magazine production.

Download Master thesis.


Debian on the GPD Pocket 3

Debian on the GPD DUO

Debian on the Rock Pi 4

openFrameworks on the Rock Pi 4